Certified quality

Our company is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and is therefore offering a generally acknowledged high quality standard. It is our firm belief that a lasting basis for the development of our company can only be created through continuous quality improvement.

Based on the results of internal and external audits and the constant reporting of the quality assurance department, the management regularly assesses the effectiveness of the quality management system.


CEC Crane Engineering and Consulting GmbH focuses particularly on customer satisfaction. Understanding and fulfilling the wishes of our customers is the basic requirement for the development, production and distribution of all products and services.

Every single employee contributes to the quality of our products and services through his or her personal performance, in compliance with our Code of Conduct for Ethical Business Conduct.


A healthy and motivated workforce is the core element in ensuring the highest possible level of customer satisfaction, which in turn makes the performance of our company and continuous growth possible.

When man and technology interact, it is essential to avoid personal injury and damage to property in any form. A consistent implementation of the statutory accident prevention regulations is therefore a matter of course for us.

A balanced work climate, as it has grown in our company through flat hierarchical levels, is important for the motivation of our employees.

This well- balanced working climate also forms the basis for coordinated work between the individual departments.


In order to prevent and minimize negative impacts on the environment, our employees act in the spirit of the management and with the intention of protecting the environment and using its resources with care.

Legal requirements are adhered to and implemented. Furthermore, it is our intention to meet the specifications and requirements of our customers to an equal extent


We strive to fulfill our self-set standards every day. In doing so, we continuously try to identify our weak spots and to eliminate them sustainably.

Data protection

Wir verwenden Dienste von Drittanbietern, die uns helfen, unsere Dienstleistungen zu optimieren und unseren Service zu verbessern. Um diese Dienste verwenden zu dürfen, benötigen wir Ihre Einwilligung.

Further details can be found on our data policy page. Furthermore you can change your settings there at any time.

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